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Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Day for Lovers... :)

Valentines Day!

......or is it "single awareness day". Every year for many years Valentines Day has been single awareness day for me.. Even when I was in a relationship Valentines Day wasn't anything special it just reminded me of what a selfish jerk  (not bitter) I lived with and how lonely and unhappy I was and how much I needed to make a change.

I made a  change over four years ago and I have never looked back and I have never regretted moving forward with my life.  By letting go of what could have been, I found happiness.

 Over the years I have attempted to date.  The dates were about  as interesting as Obama Care.    I thought I was destined to live a life of raising my daughter and collecting cats.

Until.........This cutie came walking through my door......more about the cutie...later..stay tuned to future post..

Now the pressure sets in Valentines Day..Ive never had someone who actual cares about my happiness which makes me really care about his happiness.  I find myself googling, asking,  and over thinking what is appropriate or inappropriate ( :) ) gifts for a male on Valentines Day. Should I buy chocolate, wine,  lingerie, handcuffs  :), or a magazine subscription???  too much???

This is a wonderful "problem" to have and I am thankful for this problem.

 This is my blog of the day. With Love, Bamaslammer

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