She Bad... that comes from one of the guidance folks that I work with. Sometimes we have no explanation for how kids behave except to say. "She Bad".There is no disability really noted. She is just Bad! It makes me laugh everytime I hear that or say that about a student. I can laugh a little because I am not responsible for teaching the child. I can talk to the child and attempt to guide them in the right direction but you can imagine how that goes...
I have started using the term at home with my own child. I have no explanation of why she does the things she does except that you cant fight genetics. I find myself saying daily "She Bad" I cant explain why when I pop her on the hand or on the bottom it doesnt phase her one bit. She continues with one of the following actions; digging in the litter box, dumping chips in the floor, grabbing my cup and pouring the liquid in the floor, tearing up paper and leaving it all over the floor, grabbing the cat by the fur, tail, ear whatever is available, kicking the cat out of the chair or off the couch, kicking the person changing her diaper and running around the house naked, grabbing clean clothes off of the table and mopping the floor with them, slamming the door and closing herself into a room and screaming at the top of her lungs until you rescue her, taking her out of the car and she makes a break for it and runs into the street, throwing every bathtub toy out of the tub, draining the tub and crying about it, pooping in the tub, throwing my shoes in the litter box or outside.. the list goes on and on... Most of these things happen within an hour. People wonder why I am tired all the time.. come see my sweet pea in action... I love her and I am glad I have an interesting child that keeps me on my toes even though "She Bad".. This is my blog of the day. With Love, Bamaslammer