..ahhhh..Thanks but no thanks.. or thanks and I will re gift to my grandma next year... Well, let's just return it because I dont even think my grandma would wear that...
Okay, I didnt really say that but I certainly thought it when I unwrapped that "get up". I know it is not that bad well it is that bad to me.. It was just all wrong.. I mean I live in south Georgia and it is hot as the devil down here and I am pregnant and therefore no heat is allowed to ever run in the house, ever!! Even if it is 30 degrees outside no heat! And dont even try to be sneaky about it because I will know quick and you will suffer...
Yes, I have been a dream to live with the past few months. Honestly, I havent been to terrible except for the last couple of weeks and anything revolving around the heat makes me more miserable. The words that I say I cant really believe come out of my mouth.. I am just so miserable and hot all the time. Most of you have read that saying and I cant remember exactly how it goes.. But it is something to the effect "She is awake and the devil is scared".. Well I am the "She"... I just cant help it.. I have tried to be nice and not start my day grouchy. But Trust me it has not been easy..
Everyone is at risk when it comes to my grouchiness. No matter who you are.. I have wanted to grab the folks at the gyno. office by the throat so many times you wouldnt believe. But I have to see them twice a week and my baby has not been delivered yet. So I certainly want to hold off my ugly comments until a later date. It is so hard...
Back to the lovely "get up"..I am thankful Jason thought of me at Christmas time. We had planned not to buy gifts for one another. We are planning on putting our money together and purchasing a video camera and that will be our Christmas gift to one another. But Jason kindly went out (on Christmas Eve) and bought me those sexy PJ's and a even sexier robe pictured above. He wrapped them all by himself and was so proud of his purchase. I opened the packaged and thanked him for his thoughtfulness while thinking of a polite way to tell him that if he thinks it is cold in here now... just wait until I put on this fleece get up.. I swear if I slept in the "get up" it would have to be 30 degrees in here for me just to be able to breathe during tha night. I examined the outfit and was so very Thankful that he stuck with the Large.. I was scared because we all know with my big belly.. I aint a fittin in a large now days.. But it made me feel good.. I thought he does think I am a grandma but not a complete cow. It is the small things....
I thanked Jason over and over again for his thoughtful gift and never let on for one second that it just wasnt for me. Luckily, I did explain to him that fleece for me is not the best idea because I am hot all the time. He agreed with me.Which he didnt have much of a choice to agree with me since the night before he asked me if I would mind sleeping on the screened in porch.Because I just kept it too cold for him. Jason gave me the receipt and I said there is only one item on the list but you bought me two.. The Pj's and the robe? Did they come together? Did you buy them at different stores?? He said, "Oh, yeah, it was buy one get one free!". Okay with that statement I didnt feel like such a mean old hag.. I felt with that one statement alone it gave me permission to take it back and not feel bad! I made such a big deal out of his thoughtfulness and he hit the sale at the local K Mart on Christmas Eve for Buy one get one Free Sale on Grandma Pj's! I will get him next year! The picture truly does not give the "get up" the credit it deserves. This is my blog of the day... With Love, Bamaslammer
That is hilarious. At least he didn't get you a moo-moo housedress. Or grannypanties. Poor Jason, he is too innocent to know better than to tell you it was BOGO at the local K-Mart.
Go buy him some Vitalis hair tonic.
Sounds like a great idea!!! At this point I might not complain about Moo Moo.. When I return it that might be just what I buy him...
you know at least pretend you went somewhere to get it.. not at the local K Mart buy one get one free sale on Christmas Eve....
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