This cute little thing pictured here is the reason for me not blogging in a lonngggg time... She is keeping me quiet busy... She arrived on February 2 and weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz and was 22 1/4 inches long. Baby Bamaslammer arrived on Groundhog Day. Her original due date was January 26. I went past my due date one week. I was completely miserable and couldnt get out of bed that last week. I am forever grateful that she was born a week late because my baby would have to share her Birthday with those Octobabies. I wouldnt wish that upon anyone. So God knew what he was doing when he brought her into the world a week later.
Baby Bamaslammer is growing... she weighs 10lbs now and has grown almost an inch! She is not much of a sleeper but she is improving and I now can function on no sleep at all. With that being said I hope to find more time in my day to blog. I feel so out of touch with the world like I have been stuck on an island. I am trying to rejoin the world so at least I can carry on a conversation with someone. Baby bamaslammer doesnt find me to interesting. And she really doesnt care what I have to say at this point she is just looking for her bottle and to be rocked.
This is my tired,weak, and hungry blog of the day... I have my baby babyslammer calling and wanting some attention..
With Love Bamaslammer
Glad you're back! Hope you get a good night's sleep.
Yes!!!! I knew you would come home eventually!!!
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