25 Randon Things about Me.. instead of posting on Facebook I decided I would rather post on my blog.... So here it goes.. I don't think I will surprise anyone I know by my 25 Randon Things.. most are pretty obvious even if I dont mean for them to be!
1. I LOVE Black Cats...Since childhood I have always had one, two, three black cats around.. Not sure why I think because they are quirky but they dont know they are quirky. Jason said when BayLee went missing that the next cat we get will not be black.. I told him "No Way!" I Love My Black Cats!
2. I Love Halloween! Love everything about it! The ghost, the goblins and the scary movies! Everything!!!!
3. I Love black clothes with an accent of pink.. I think it makes me look smaller! :)
4. I enjoy being a "secret blogger".. it is fun!
5. I really enjoy working although I complain about it.. this week has taught me that I would be lost if I couldn't work!
6. I truly love special education and the progress I see that the students make.. I also Love their insane parents (not all of them but some/most of them).
7. I can be a little shy around folks I dont know.. (really I can be).
8. I love to play the devil's advocate! Even if I completely agree with what you are saying.. I will always express the other view point! Always and I love it!
9. My political views are straight down the middle! If I am speaking to a Democrat then I will be a Republican. If I am speaking to a Republican then I am a Democrat!
10. I am a true Independent!
11. I secretly want to be on the "Nancy Grace" Show.. I really want to argue with her and have her cut me off midsentence.. I Love It!
12. I love Animals more than I love humans! I would walk barefooted across nails to save an animal.. not so much humans.. :)
13. I want to retire and have a ranch with loads of animals on it this would be after I win the lottery, of course.
14. I truly like dogs more than cats.. But dogs are too high maintenance for me at this time.. (I am glad LayLa and Henry cant read, yet).
15. I love the water... any kind of water.. pool, beach, bathtub, etc...
16. I cant sing.. I retired from Karaoke (a blog will follow about this) I have no real desire to learn how.. I just would like to spare others from my tone deafness.
17. I love Jason my fiancee but I love to argue with him and attempt to "put him in his place".. He laughs at me and it rolls off his back.. which for the minute it happens makes me madder!But I appreciate his good sense to let it go.. :)
18. I thought about joining the Peace Corp or Teaching Overseas when I graduated from college.. I filled out the application but decided that I really do not like to be hot or dirty and I think that might go along with the job... :)
19. I cant stand to be hot.. It makes me go insane and I threaten to kill people! Ask Jason.. his life has been threaten more than you can imagine! I will gladly pay the Power People whatever they want.. I just need a/c!
20. I am becoming more like my grandmother Burch everyday.. sometimes when I make comments to Jason.. I think... ohhhh...lord.. I sound just like her! Help me please! But I dress like my other grandmother.. She always wore black or dark blue... with a cute pink sweater.
21. Troy University was by far the best time of my life! I met so many people whom many of them are still my friends today!
22. I love cupcakes! Could eat one every second of the day!
23.Ahhhh..... on my "gestational diabetes log" I have been making up the numbers and turning them into my dr.. I know.. bad... They brag on me for keeping my sugars under control but I will not confess my sin to them.
24. I love Bill Clinton and George W. Bush for two very different reasons. I find Bill Clinton to be very attractive. George W. Bush reminds me of my dad.. just a good man.. that tries to do what is right... (and doesn't admit to mistakes, I didnt say that).
25. I do worry..but I try not too... I get up in the middle of the night and write things down because I cant sleep until I do.. being pregnant has made it much worse! It is like after I write it the worry has been released! I think I am a much at peace person since I blog...
This is my blog of the day and my 25 randon things... With Love, Bamaslammer
Hey Olene Jr, love your list (other than finding Bill Clinton attractive).
I saw Nancy Grace on The View the other day and thought of you. One random fact about me is that I HATE the View and all the women on it.
Any developments at the doctor today?
Girl, I am liking the View since I have been off.. I like Whoppi.. How can you not like her she makes me laugh... the rest are a little insane... but hey I love some trash TV.... I think Rosie should come back and cover Elisabeth's maternity leave.. I think I will write that in...
They are going to induce on Monday...but it could take a couple of days.. I told Jason this is forshawdowing of what is to come.. a stubborn little girl..
What...an induction on Monday, huh? Oh, I can't wait! You gotta somehow get us some pictures out ASAP after she gets here!
Good Idea about the 25 random things thing. I plan to copy you by putting it on my blog instead of Facebook.
Good luck Monday! Let the nurses baby you...it might be your last chance for a while!!!
I noticed Theia said "an induction on Monday." Was she speaking about Monday, Feb. 2? WOW! A groundhog baby! How sweet? I hope you have a speedy and comfortable labor! Is there such a thing????? I surely hope there is for you. Good luck and God bless you and your baby and Jason.
Mrs. H
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