I am no fan of Oprah... that might be an understatement of my feelings for the Big O. I know that we are to never say bad things about Oprah or she will send people after us.. I just think she takes her self way to seriously. The media plays into her and makes the world think that this woman is absolute perfection. I do think she is a nice, generous, and grateful person and has made something of herself against all odds.There are many nice, generous, and grateful people in the world but they do not have to be on my TV every minute of the day talking about all the great things they do. Oprah certainly has a lot to be proud of and she has worked hard..BUT.......
I am so tired of hearing about her weight gain. It really makes me want to vomit.. I mean come on.. She has billions of dollars and she gained 40 lbs.. cry me a river.. Ive gained some weight but I certainly do not have access to billions of dollars. Billions of dollars to employ all of these "gurus" to coach my life and cook for me. But if I did...lord help me... everyone would have to stay back...I would be too much to handle probably a lot like Oprah.
Oprah..please get off my TV and stop whining about your big butt... No one likes a Whiner! This is my blog of the day! With Love, Bamaslammer
She hasn't gotten enough attention lately and needs to bring up the weight issue, which is an issue she used to hate to discuss. Oprah, please get off of my tv and every magazine cover.
I'm just waiting on the cat fight to break out between her and Michelle O'bama!!! That would definitely be an interruption of regular programming...
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