New Year's Eve... Is also our anniversary. Jason and I got engaged two years ago on New Year's Eve.. I remember it ohh so well... He asked me to marry him and then we went to a friend's house and celebrated with them. We had a really great time and we rang in the New Year with Champagne and a Kiss..this year we rang in the new year with Chili Dogs and Braxton Hicks Contractions... Yeah..loads of fun
This year was completely different... I asked Jason over and over what he would like for our New Year's Eve and our Anniversary Dinner. I could never get a straight answer.. So I said how about "Chili Dogs".. He said that sounds good. Throughout my pregnancy I have so wanted a Chili Dog.. But of course like most things on the "do not eat or your baby will be harmed list" hot dogs are on there. Before I was pregnant I wouldnt have touched a Chili Dog even if my life depended on them.
I decided since this baby is about to come I could have one Chili Dog on New Years. That one Chili Dog just about killed me or almost put me into labor. I thought I had to avoid them because of the preservatives but I think it is more like avoid them or they will send you into labor! I had my wonderful chili dog with my homemade chili and after that I was down for the count. I started having the "Braxton Hicks Contractions" and I thought I might possibly have the New Year's Baby. I laid down and watched Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin ring in the New Year and went to sleep. The next day I was back to normal, Thankfully.. I kept telling Jason I cant Have the New Year's Baby the house is not clean and my bags are not packed. For some reason I dont think the baby is waiting on me to get my things is order so she can arrive.. just a lucky guess.. I think she will come when she gets good and ready..
This post just proves that I am a 95 year old grandma...and would rather sleep through the new year then celebrate it..How the times have changed. I did enjoy watching Anderson and Kathy together. I felt they had great chemistry and were ohh so funny together. Maybe they will do more shows together. I hope you enjoy the picture of Anderson and Kathy together..:):)
This is my blog of the day.
Love, Bamaslammer.
Get your bags packed! You don't want to go to the hospital and have Jason pack your bags! There is no telling what he would pack!
I actually was awake at midnight this year. I watched Evil Kineivls son jump the volcano at The Mirage in Las Vegas. Woo, that and the Jonas Brothers singing, party hardy!
Be careful what you eat!!!! I remember the night I went into labor with David! After laying off salt for what seemed like forever, I gave in to fritos and onion dip! It was horrible coming back up...and the nurses weren't too happy with it either! :) :)
By the way, when is baby due?
She is due Jan. 25.. But I am so miserable and a complete devil to live with!!! I beg everytime I go to the dr for her to induce me! But she will not give in! I go back to work tomorrow so we will see how that goes! You are right Adrian! I have things laid out but havent put them in the bag yet. I am to busy being a devil to actually do something productive! Stay tuned for a post on what Jason bought the baby early in my pregancy it makes the robe and PJs look exciting!
She is due Jan. 25.. But I am so miserable and a complete devil to live with!!! I beg everytime I go to the dr for her to induce me! But she will not give in! I go back to work tomorrow so we will see how that goes! You are right Adrian! I have things laid out but havent put them in the bag yet. I am to busy being a devil to actually do something productive! Stay tuned for a post on what Jason bought the baby early in my pregancy it makes the robe and PJs look exciting!
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