...He is really not.. I have nothing to complain about when it comes to him... I actually hit the "brother lottery" if there is such a thing. He is the only "blood kin" relative that I have told about my blog.. I talked to him the other night and he said he would check out my blog this weekend and leave me nasty comments. I told him to bring it on. :) He has three kids and he is very busy running a trucking terminal and all. I decided to write about him to see if he really reads it.. My brother had lots of questions like "What is your blog about?" ahh... I said nothing really... random thoughts.. I guess maybe like the "Seinfeld" show. A show about nothing. I guess I have a blog about nothing.
I said, "I blogged about our grandma".. He said, "What would you have to say about her?" I said "lots".."remember that time she asked me and my mom who was fatter in a picture me or an unidentified relative?". ohhh..yeah..he said.. I guess he decided then I might have something to blog about since I am related to the feistiest woman in the south who tells stories that are difficult to follow along with. Sound familiar?
I have not let family members in on the "blogging situation" only because most of them provide me with great material and I am afraid I wouldnt be able to blog about them if they actually read the site. So I will keep it quite.. I certainly do not want my parents reading my blog.. They provide years and years worth of material.
So Brother Tim, you might actually want to read this... because I certainly have stories about us growing up... which mainly revolve around our go-cart. Do you remember when you laid down on the grass and asked me to run over you with the go-cart? and you know what happened after that.. I certainly obeyed your wish.. you should be thankful I didnt run over you and back back over you several times. :) :) I would certainly do that now... :) I kid..I kid...
The photo above is the most recent photo I have of my brother.. Yes, most folks say we look alike...
Well, Welcome aboard my brother..if you are actually reading this and neglecting your three children... :) I kid... I neglect a whole lot when I am blogging... like ahhh.. your phone calls. You cant interrupt the blogging process... :) This is my blog of the day.. With Love, Bamaslammer
I remember listening to Earth Wind and Fire albums in Tim's room when we were growing up!
I look forward to comments from Tim. They will be nasty if you put another picture of him on here.
He actually asked you to run over him with the go-cart?
I remember his walls being covered with postors of Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, and Marie Osmond...:)
Haaaa..... that will get him going for sure! I also remember he "accidently" order Debbie Gibson's CD Electric Youth...
The go cart (when he was working) was a lot of fun and dangerous times!
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