Life as adult is not quiet as easy as I thought it would be. I pictured life as an adult as pretty much rainbows and butterflies. But instead I feel like I live in a constant rerun at times. The day to day activities are the same. I also get really stressed out if things do not go as planned and quickly. I no longer live minute to minute. Yes, I guess I am saying I lost the fun! I will get it back one day. I suppose. I really noticed I had a problem when a friend of mine visited and she just didnt do things fast enough for my world. I mean when you push someone out of the way because they are not running the bath water fast enough for your child, you might have a problem. And especially when your friend cleans your shower and you complain because first of all you dont need any help and second of all she might be trying to help but cant she hurry it up!!! Geez.. I have a schedule to keep and a baby to feed.
A friend of mine was talking today at work that when she goes shopping she is on a schedule. She leaves her house at a certain time and has each place she wants to go to mapped out along with a designated time to arrive home. I decided right then and there that she is someone I would love to hang out with! She is not a time waster and I would love to shop with her. If anyone has ever noticed I only shop by myself or with Ava. It is to stressful to cart someone along with me. They waste time by looking at things they dont need and I am on a schedule!
Dont get me wrong I love my daughter and would give up everything to see her cute face daily. But My life is a constant rerun! I really thought as an adult I would travel to many exotic locations.. Well, my exotic location is the Mexican restaurant in town or on a "fancy" night I love to go to the local Japanese place. Yes, I get take out because the waitress might be slow and it will get all over my nerves. If she is slow I might have to get up and help her because I need to keep a schedule. I am beginning to think that I am OCD or could possibly be one day.
I think I am going ahead and reserve my place at the "funny farm" Because it is coming. I think I am going to make a new years resolution that I will relax! No clock or schedule.. but it really is stressing me out to think of trying to accomplish my new years resolution. So I will just keep the stress of a schedule that I have! My child in the photo is stressing me out because she has an obsession with Cat Food and doesnt mind knocking the cat out of the way to get to it! I do think she thinks she is a cat! Now that is stressing me out more!
Loved it! Good to see you back on the blog! Such a cute baby!
Bad taste what that
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