I cant believe I am having a child.. I blame my friend Stacie for the pregnancy along with my Dr.
Ya see Stacie is a fitness queen. She is several years older than me but you would never know it. Stacie truly lives like her body is a temple. She exercises and eats right. She could beat any twenty year old in a race. I know people that know me are wondering what in the world we have in common. It certainly isn't the eating right or exercising that brought us together. We taught across the hall from one another for several years and it was by far the most fun I have ever had at a job. Our buddy Hampt was there also. I will introduce you to him at another time. I have lots of stories to share about Hampt i.e. How he saved my life,his obsession with Angelina Jolie, and my personal favorite "Free My Dogs"...
Stacie is the reason I am pregnant today. I have never blamed her or thanked her for being responsible for my pregnancy. So when she reads this she will be shocked! I cant wait! :)
Stacie is a quite, witty, responsible, and a reasonable person. She has many more outstanding qualities too many to name here. The one I value most is she is not judgemental. I know, again we are an odd combo.Stacie comes across as very quiet but when you get to know her she is so different. I think she is more outgoing than I have ever thought about being. She is always making new friends and planning for all of us to go out and eat or have a drink.
Okay.. back to the topic. To start the "Stacie got me pregnant journey".. The first step is that she introduced me to my doctor. Which you will hear how important the dr. has been in my life throughout my blog I am sure.
As I mentioned before Stacie is an exercise queen but she is not a pushy exercise queen. I admire Stacie and with her encouragement I trucked myself to a Pilates class. While at my first and only Pilates class I started having major pain. I made it through the class because I am not a quitter which is the only reason I made it.
The next day which was a Saturday I couldn't get out of bed. My pain continued throughout the weekend. Luckily, I had a dr.'s appointment on Monday already. I went to the dr.'s appointment with great pain and terrible fashion sense. I will never forget what I looked liked when I went into the dr. 's office. I had on Yoga pants, flip flops, unbrushed hair, no make up and the best part of my nice looking outfit is the Prince concert T-shirt that I had slept in the night before. I apologized to the dr. I said "normally I match my clothes and brush my hair". My dr. stated "Well, coming in her like that gains you more sympathy". :) I was examined and she decided I had endometriosis and would have surgery in 2 days. The surgery was successful and I didn't lose an ovary like we thought might happen. I recovered and moved on with my life. I never went to Pilates again because as I have told Stacie many many times "Pilates almost killed me one time.".. any excuse I can come up with I will use it to get out of exercise..:) I am pretty sure Stacie has caught on to all of my excuses.
My surgery happened in June 2007. Fast Forward to May 2008- I was back to thinking about going to exercise with Stacie again. Summer is here and she just joined a cool gym and she is taking a "Spinning Class". I went through a short lived exercise phase in Bama when I lived with my parents. I joined a gym and exercised daily and I took a spin class there which I enjoyed.
I decided to go to spin with Stacie one early Saturday morning and I enjoyed it. I had made plans to go again the next Saturday Morning at 8. Stacie and I had talked about it the night before and we planned on meeting at the gym. Well I was a no show.
School was out the day before and I spent 6 hours at Happy Hour with Hampt and the crew. Yes, that is not a typo 6 hours. So I wasnt feeling my best Saturday morning anyway. Sometime after the happy hour I told Jason that maybe I am pregnant. He panicked and went out and bought three pregnancy tests which I refused to take after the 6 hour Happy Hour. Which I feel is still a wise decision on my part.
After refusing to taking a pregnancy test the day before, I finally gained the courage to take it Saturday morning. No, Stacie I wasn't trying to get out of "spinning class". :) or maybe I was..
Needless to say we all know how those results came out. Stacie had called me Saturday morning but I didnt have the guts to answer the phone. I waited until later in the evening and I returned her call. Stacie started fussing at me a little bit she said "where were you this morning, you told me you were coming, we talked about it yesterday". It felt like she said that over and over again for 10 minutes which I know she didnt it just felt that way. Stacie finished giving me a tough time and she is patiently waiting on a response from me. I blurt out "I'm Pregnant". It felt like the phone dropped along with her mouth I am sure and after what felt like another 10 minutes of silence (which it wasnt). She said "Ohhhh.....MY........GOD!" I said " That is exactly what I said when All three test came back positive! I dont remember the conversation afterwards I draw a blank after I blurted out those words I thought I would never ever say.
Here is how Stacie got me pregnant.
1. She introduced me to a GREAT DR. who listens and cares and has a great sense of humor!
2. She encouraged me to go to Pilates for my back pain which brought my endometriosis front and center.
3. She wanted me to go to "Spinning Class" with her that Saturday Morning but to get out a "Spinning" class I decided to take a pregnancy test instead.:)
Thank you Stacie for being a good friend and Thank you for getting me Pregnant! :)
This is my blog of the day! Love, Bamaslammer