I watched most of the Debate between Mr. McCain and Osama oh.. I mean OBama... just a typo (but I am keeping it). I regret devoting anytime to watching the debate at all. I am a nosey person so I couldn't resist tuning in just to see what they both had to say.
To be honest, all I heard was blah, blah, blah, blah, "I will not raise your taxes", blah, blah,.. Between the blah's I would catch a phrase or two such as "All Americans need Health Care". What I really hear is "Bamaslammer -hey you pay your healthcare let's add on three more families to yours". Yes, people need healthcare I am in no mood to pay for other peoples and I absolutely do not believe in "Universal Healthcare". Anyone that has ever had a very sick family member understands why.
I also kept hearing "the Bailout".. How I have interrupted the "bailout" is that I must now pay higher taxes to save other people's houses who made bad deals. To solve all of these issues without raises taxes is an impossibility. As usual, the hardworking middle class will suffer the most.
I am not impressed with either of the gentlemen to be honest. I am not sure if it is burnout or I am just so sad at how we treat individuals who try to to do the right things in life, work hard, pay bills, and would do whatever they had to do to provide for their family. I am so tired of picking up the slack for individuals who do not want to do better or improve their life. Where is the fair and the justice? Why must I have less to pay for others dumb decisions ??
I dont know who should be President. I do know neither of them should be. I am planning on writing in someone.. any suggestions on who I should write in?
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