That is all I am asking. Instead of celebrating my birthday on July 12th can I change in to October 31st? I am not asking to change the year just the date. I do not think that is much to ask. It would make me very happy. My friend and old roommate's birthday is October 21st. She would have a Halloween Birthday cake every year! I have always been jealous of that I think it is so cool to have black cats, ghost, and tombstones on your cake. It just makes my face light up with joy to think about a cool birthday/Halloween cake.
See I have never been one to really celebrate my birthday. Growing up birthdays were never really a big deal. My birthday is in the summer and everyone always forgot my birthday. As a kid, it bothered me some but now as an adult it doesn't hurt my feelings at all. My best friend Adrian and I have that in common. Her birthday is July 17th and no one ever remembered her birthday either. It is funny at what bonds people in life. I don't remember exactly what brought Adrian and I together but I do know birthdays are one of the many many things that has kept our friendship going for... I dont know around 26 years.....
I am planning on writing a letter to explain my case but I am not sure what governmental agency to direct it too. I mean come on... people change names, social security numbers, and even their complete identities. Can I just change the date of my birthday?
If you know who I should direct my letter to please let me know.
I would like a cake with black cats on it too.
If you change your birthday to halloween, people will remember it and you will be reminded that you are a year OLDER.
As a side note, I told your parents to tell you no black onesies for the baby and no outfits with sculls!!
great read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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