I am back online and have been for all of 5 minutes and boy am I glad. I have went without facebook and blogging for almost 1 month! Yes, 1 month! We have moved to be close to work and due to the baby coming and I felt that I had a million other things to do before I started back to my blogging... Oh how I have missed reading my friend Theia's website and checking in on my friends on facebook. The move has been a good move. We are in a bigger place and feel like we might have room for the baby now. I am enjoying being closer to work so far and I am feeling like I have more time in my day. Of course, I have been going back and checking in on the stray cats I had to leave behind. My sweet little neighbor is feeding them but it is still a tender topic for me to discuss and if you want to see tears roll down my face just mention the duo I had to leave behind.
The Internet installers just left and in the process they already made my elderly neighbor mad. Yep, Jason and I always seem to win friends anytime we move I just dont know how we manage. The installer said that the neighbor just came out and fussed at him because the cords (whatever they are called) had to run through his yard. Had I known that to begin with I would have found another way if I could but I didnt know.. So I guess Jason and I are once again on the neighbor's hit list.
LayLa the cat has adjusted well to the move. BayLee has been a whole different story. He is traumatized. In the middle of the night I would wake up to him trying to starch the cabinets, clawing underneath the bathtub, and going at the carpet. After countless times of "redirecting" him, spraying him with water (which he liked), placing him in timeout and spanking him. He had his claws trimmed and went on Prozac. He has been better but you can certainly tell when the meds were given to him to early and are wearing off. He gets back into his old habits fast. For example, the other night I was making up the bed and BayLee came out of nowhere and latched both paws and claws into my behind along with his teeth! Yes, that is a typical day when BayLee's meds are worn off! I dearly love my sweet BayLee but there were some trying times. I am glad to report I think we are all going to make it. Well I will keep you updated on the neighbor part. If I go off line suddenly..I think he might have cut my cords.. which the cable people said is illegal... but I really dont think he cares to be honest... this is my blog of the day. With Love, Bamaslammer
I actually rant into your mom in WalMart and she told me you were moving and that your computer was boxed up, etc...otherwise, I would have been worried!
Regarding the crazy cat...perhaps some hormone replacement therapy might also be in order here. I don't know if he's a boy or a girl, but boy's get hormone imbalances too! I act like your cat sometimes and it usually boils down to hormones!
Glad you're back!
Thank you so much! I have sure missed your blog! But with moving and the baby I made a promise to myself that I would not get internet until I got some things done and we have things pretty much sorted out and the baby's room looking better. Yall will have to come visit!!!! BayLee is a boy and he is going through something that is for sure. I understand about the hormones. One minute I am happy the next I am ready to blow someone's head off! But hey it leads to an entertaining day!
Thank you so much! I have sure missed your blog! But with moving and the baby I made a promise to myself that I would not get internet until I got some things done and we have things pretty much sorted out and the baby's room looking better. Yall will have to come visit!!!! BayLee is a boy and he is going through something that is for sure. I understand about the hormones. One minute I am happy the next I am ready to blow someone's head off! But hey it leads to an entertaining day!
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