I have a love-hate relationship with online quizzes. Basically, I love to take them because the quizzes are fun to take. I hate them because they always say I'm a big ole' b+++h. OK...maybe not like.."Bamaslammer... You are a b++++h" but they might as well.....
They lure you in by saying "Which Disney Princess are you?" innocent enough.... So you think....
Until you read this......

I wanted to be Cinderella!!!!!!!
On to the next results....It will have to better....
"Which Golden Girl are you?" Innocent enough......
Until you read this...
You are Sophia. Wit and quick comebacks are two of your strengths. You think on your feet and sometimes can shock people with your truthful insights. Yes, you can be very honest with people, but this does not mean you do not care about their feelings. It is quite the opposite- you care very much about the people close to you and try to shield them from pain. You may be outspoken, but nobody could ask for a better friend!
This is me.....in a few years....
Hey Internet.... YOU are the biggest bitch I know... I've gotta quiz for you!!!!
Let's see how you rate? I bet you will rate as a bigger b+++h than me.
Go suck it Internet!
This is my blog of the day. With love, bamaslammer
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