..This is a take off from Brad Paisely's great song "Letter to Me". At first I hated that song but one day I actually took the time to listen to the lyrics and the song is quiet touching. One day I will actually write a letter to me.. but to start off I think I will start a letter to my daughter who will be entering the world quiet soon. I do know the most important thing is her health and happiness and ofcourse they are both number one on the list. But this is just about telling her a few things and acting as if she would listen. I am fully aware if she is anything like me she will not listen for one second. I will do my best for this not to come off as cornie and overly sentimental.. This are things that I find important. I am not saying that I follow them or have followed them but life might have been even easier if I had.
1. Learn to spell and use correct grammar ... and do not cheat on spelling test. It is actually important to know how to spell without the use of spell check.
2. Know when to keep your mouth shut and listen.
3. Do not jump into other people's business even if they have invited you into their business especially marital issues... Stay way out of it.
4. Be kind to everyone no matter where they are from and what they do. By being judgmental of others you only miss out on great people you meet along the way.
5. If you decide to go to college meet as many people from other parts of the USA and outside the USA. By hearing how things are in their country you will become even prouder of being an American and will gain empathy for those who gave it all up to come to this country with nothing.
6. Listen to your intuition. Follow your gut about people and situations. If you do that you will make the right decisions in life.
7. Never listen to a man unless he is your father or grandfather. Even so, remember your father and grandfather are men so after you talk to them go talk to your mother or grandmother to make sure they are giving you correct advice... :) Men most of the time mean well they are just misguided...
8. Get an education... that is the only thing in life that cant be ripped right out of your hands. Marriages and families fall apart and people betray you.. if those things happen you still have your education.
9. Dont fall into a career because it is safe and you get a steady paycheck.. Although that certainly is a bonus.. Follow your dream and your heart.. I wish I had.
10. Stand up for those who are made fun of and who do not have the things you and the other kids have. You will be so glad you did.
11. Go out of your way to be kind to the elderly and of course animals.
12. Use ma'am and sir... Just do it no matter where you are it means alot
13. Dont take family and friends for granted... I do and I regret it
14. Laugh at your mistakes.. because if you dont everyone else will and you do not want to be that person that cant take a joke.
15. Find good friends and keep them.
16. Listen to your parents.. they love you and want the best for you.
17. Go away to college... do not live with us... You need to make big mistakes, find adventure and make friends.
18.Remember that your parents are human and will make mistakes.. I forgot that along the way and expected them to have all the answers and when they didnt it was life changing for me.
19. Always sleep on it.. You may be mad and you may want to strangle someone.. but wait til morning... :)
20. Life is full of joy and disappointment just learn to roll with it and know that no matter how bad it gets better days will come along.. just hang on.
21.Dont be afraid to say "I need help", "I dont know what I am doing".. This is a big one for me.. I have learned the hard way on this.
22. Say your sorry even if you feel as though you have no reason to be.. just do it.. it makes the situation a little better and we all make mistakes and say things we dont mean.. that is life.
23. Life is Never Ever Fair.. Dont expect it to be... and dont whine and cry about it not being fair.. No one likes a whiner.
24. Dont be afraid to cry on a friend's shoulder.. You will more than likely be asked to return the favor.
25. Always remember you learn more by listening than you do by talking.
26. Learn from your mistakes and other people's mistakes.
27. Say "No" and dont be afraid to do so.. People will take advantage of you if they can. Dont let them.
28. Look out for your friends..
29. Trust people but always be skeptical..
30. Take advice dont always think you know the answers
31. Always treat people who work with the public nicely.. because their job is certainly not easy.
32. Give it a shot.. even if you think you are terrible and you have no talent go for it anyway.
33. Play a sport of some kind I never did but wish I would've tried something.
34. Dont worry to much what people say about you.. people will always have a negative thing to say.. just be like a duck and let it roll off your back..
35. Know when to stand up for yourself and know when something is really a non issue and not worth the time to get all bent out of shape about. This usually comes with age.
36. Celebrate Holidays.. dont be a "Debbie Downer" like me.. I promise I will do better and have some Holiday Spirit... My New Year's Resolution.
37. We all do and say stupid things-dont dwell on it.. forgive yourself and move on.
38. Believe in something with all of your heart.
39. Be a thoughtful daughter and daughter in law.. I am pretty terrible in this department.
40. Be Kind to your spouse.. dont make it feel like he is serving out a prison sentence.. yes, I am absolutely terrible in this department.. yet, another New Years Resolution.. :)
41. You cannot control people or events.. have a sense of humor about it.. and remember what is happening at that time is more than likely not life or death and will be a good stand up comedy routine the next day.
Please feel free to add to my list... This is my blog of the day... With Love, Bamaslammer.