How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways.... Jeff Lewis from Bravos hit reality show."Flipping Out".. If you have not watched this show you certainly need too. I am in Love with this man if only he enjoyed the company of nice women instead of men. But hey I could change him. I first fell in Love with Jeff when he made a comment about how he felt his assistant needed a hug but he didnt know how to do that because he was never hugged when he was little and judging by Jeff's actions I find that to be true. I love his dark side he was playing with the daughter of a friend of his and he kept throwing the baby down saying "Bad Baby". The daughter would just giggle. But my true moment of love is when he asked his assistant to make sure his coffee was heated to 120 degrees or maybe I fell in love when he wanted his drink to be 75% lemonade, 15% Sprite, and 10% Water. I think that is when I fell in Love with Jeff Lewis. I could argue with him all day if only he would give me a chance... This is my blog of the day With Love, Bamaslammer
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