..Brit Brit...
We will not be having school tomorrow due to the rain and high winds expected from the Tropical Storm. This very rarely happens but I plan to enjoy it as long as I have internet access. I was made fun of today for stating that in Bama where I am from we had "snow days". Yes, "Snow Days" my co-workers thought that was the funniest things they have ever heard! I said well yall need "Hurricane Days" here.Because we will just be making the days up and that truly sucks!
One thing I have noticed is people prepare a lot differently here in Florida than they do in Bama. I left work today and my main mission was to get Milk and Bread at the store cause that is how we prepare for snow in Bama. To my surprise very few people were at the grocery store! I didnt have to grab bread out of someone's buggy while they were not looking or wrestle someone to the ground for the last gallon of milk. Sorta defeated my purpose for going. I walked right in bought my milk,bread, sweet tea, cookies, chips..ect.. I think you get the idea. Because if my power goes out or I am blown in the street I better have my sour cream and onion chips in on hand and my sweet tea in another or it is a truly bad storm.
I dont have to watch the weather when a storm is coming. My cats provide me with all the information that I could ever need. They act insane when bad weather is coming. All four of them pile inside like it is their last day on earth. One of my cats I see once a month suddenly appears.
We are all ready for the Tropical Storm. I have on DVD my new favorite show "The Office". I bought some magazines, junk food and cat treats. So we are all good in the Burch household! This is my blog of the day. With Love, Bamaslammer
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