I am thinking now that I am pregnant I should have paid more attention in my sex education class. But to come to think about it we didnt have sex edu. We had AIDS education class and it was taught by what we thought at the time the biggest Pervert that lived (God rest his soul). Now I know bigger Perverts and he might not even be on the radar now. Let me take you back... See the picture of me and my classmates...
We were in 7th grade and we were made to take AIDS education. We already knew all about AIDs and maybe a little about Sex. My teacher could not say the word condon which is a word that is used quiet often in AIDS education class. He said "Con Dome". Just like that. He said it over and over again. "The boy must wear a "Con DOME". I could not concentrate. I laughed the whole time and while I was laughing my friend and neighbor Shawn tied my shoes laces to my desk legs. How did he do that you might ask?? I dont know... good question. All I know is that when the bell rang and class was over I couldnt get out of my desk. I tried to untie my laces it wasnt happening. Shawn who is the one responsible went to the teacher and asked to borrow his scissors. Shawn was gracious enough to cut my shoe laces from the desk legs and I proceeded with my day... Maybe that is why I am pregant because the boy did not wear a "con dome"... I know that was a sick sick joke! This is my blog of the day...With Love, BamaSlammer
Hey,is the Pervert dead? To this very day, nearly 20 years later since AIDS education class, I can't even hear someone mention condom without thinking Con Dome in my head silently. How warped is that I tell ya!!! Theia
Yes, he is dead. He had like a heart attack or something.. Before he died he was volunteering at the hospital. I thought ohh lord he is looking up those old people hospital gowns. I think I might sue his estate. I misuderstood what he was saying "Con Dome" and I think that is why I am pregnant now... hhahhahahha Love Bamaslammer
You just might have a case, Bamaslammer! By the way, wasn't it in that same class that D. Gray fell down one day or something? What am I trying to think of??? I can't remember all that stuff so I need you to tell me what happened! Love you and miss you!
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